Tanya Summers Weblog

Tanya Summers

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A walk with my camera

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for visiting my photo blog and leaving wonderful comments.  It was a very big surprise for me to wake up to over a hundred notifications waiting in my mailbox.  It was overwhelming.  Getting featured on Freshly Pressed was totally unexpected, and I’m very grateful.  Again, a big thank you to everyone!

Today is Father’s Day.  It’s nothing really different from any other Sunday, except for the tons of greetings from friends and family.  I love my weekends and Sundays have always been my day off.  Except when I have to clean the bathroom, do the laundry, iron the clothes and buy groceries… and all of these happen only during Sundays.  So, happy father’s day to all fathers out there.  Enjoy your weekend and enjoy your day off.  Tomorrow, the same pile of clothes will be needing your attention.

writings on dusty jalousies

It has been…

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Author: tanyaacsummersx

Tanya Summers Weblog

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